This page provides local information on acupuncture in Birmingham.
So far we have compiled the following Birmingham acupuncture specialists, acupressure specialists and alternative medicine listings and related resources. There are a mix of acupuncture clinics sites - listings from our directory, results from the Web and paid acupuncture clinics listings. If you cannot find the info you are looking for here, try the search engine above.
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Acupuncture Practitioners (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving Birmingham area
66 Blythsford Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B28 0UR
Tel: 0121-733 1357
Acupuncture Practitioners (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving Birmingham area
Ladywood Surgery, 35 Morville Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B16 8BU
Tel: 0121-454 3774
Acupuncture Practitioners (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving Birmingham area
Moseley Medical Centre, 21 Salisbury Road, Moseley, Birmingham, West Midlands, B13 8JS
Tel: 0121-449 0122
Acupuncture Practitioners (Business at Home) serving Birmingham area
Peach Cottage, 22 Coventry Road, Coleshill, Birmingham, West Midlands, B46 3BE
Tel: 01675 465726
Acupuncture Practitioners (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving Birmingham area
Unit 1 Kotewall House, Ladywell Walk, Birmingham, West Midlands, B5 4BN
Tel: 0121-622 6818
Acupuncture Practitioners (Business at Home) serving Birmingham area
34 Penns Lane, Coleshill, Birmingham, West Midlands, B46 1BA
Tel: 01675 464369
Acupuncture Practitioners (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving Birmingham area
111 Hewell Road, Barnt Green, Birmingham, West Midlands, B45 8NW
Tel: 0121-445 3118
Acupuncture Practitioners (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving Birmingham area
Broadway Health Centre, Cope Street, Birmingham, West Midlands, B18 7BA
Tel: 0121-250 6100
Acupuncture Practitioners (Office & Administration) serving Birmingham area
131A Alcester Road, Birmingham, West Midlands, B13 8JP
Tel: 0121-449 9500
Acupuncture Practitioners (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving Birmingham area
968 Bristol Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, West Midlands, B29 6NB
Tel: 0121-472 2234