This is the acupuncture section of our Bath directory.
So far we have compiled the following Bath acupuncture specialists, acupressure specialists and alternative medicine listings and related resources. The acupuncture clinics listings in this section are a combination of editor reviewed sites, acupuncture clinics sites from the Web and relevant paid listings. Unsatisfied with the information on this page? UK Cities may have other related acupuncture pages. Try the search facility above.
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We are always looking to expand our database of acupuncture clinics sites. Please see the instructions on the front page.
Acupuncture Practitioners (Factories & Manufacturing) serving Bath area
The Park Clinic, 22 Park Road, Bath, Avon, BA1 3EE
Tel: 01225 333021
Acupuncture Practitioners (Hospitals & Medical Establishments) serving Bath area
7 Laura Place, Bath, Avon, BA2 4BJ
Tel: 01225 442119