UK Cities > Newport > Computers and Internet > Domain Name Registration

Newport Domain Names

Searching for domain names in Newport? Then take a look at the following selection of domain names sites.

Below is a list of Newport domain name registrars, domains and domain name registry Web sites and listings which have been compiled by our editorial team. There are a mix of domain name registrars sites - listings from our directory, results from the Web and paid domain name registrars listings. Unsatisfied with the information on this page? UK Cities may have other related domains pages. Try the search facility above.

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Internet Service Providers (Office & Administration) serving Newport area

The Avenue, Cleppa Pk, Coedkernew, Newport, Gwent, NP10 8UG

Tel: 01633 670000


Internet Service Providers (Head Office) serving Newport area

Clarence House, Clarence Place, Newport, Gwent, NP19 7AA

Tel: 01633 718002