UK Cities > Canterbury > Food and Drink > Cyber Cafes

Canterbury Internet Cafes

This page provides local information on Internet cafes in Canterbury.

Below, UK Cities has returned a set of useful cyber cafes, Internet access and cyber cafes in Canterbury resources. These listings are from the cyber cafes section of our directory, and include relevant Web pages and relevant paid listings. Can't find what you are looking for here? UK Cities probably has a number of other cyber cafes pages. Try the search facility above.

If you would like to add this page to your favourites, so you can find Internet cafes in the future, Click Here. You can also Click Here to set this Internet access category as your homepage. The higher level category page is also worth checking out as it contains similar listings to those in this Internet cafes category.

We are always on the look out for useful cyber cafes sites. Please see the instructions on the front page.


Dot Cafe

Internet Cafes (Shops & other Retail Outlets) serving Canterbury area

21 St. Dunstans Street, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 8BH

Tel: 01227 478778